2d Animations for e-learning

When we talk about schools, what is it that comes to our mind?—A teacher standing in front and lecturing or writing on a board for some students. Does learning take place?—Yes, it does, to a certain extent. Does smart learning take place? Not really! Is it an interactive learning in true sense? Not really! How can we help here?

We at PrePSol constantly work towards bridging this gap. We develop apps and digital modules for e-learning. A learner can take down notes, draw something instantly, calculate, and swipe through different pages at one go. And, this isn’t really a dream, but a dream come true in real sense. Our apps would provide the students and teachers the liberty to do what they want. Moreover… if you want to keep a control on what children should learn and do, we have special apps for teachers. The digital world of learning not only helps learners to project imagination but also helps the teachers to recreate and mold it for better understanding.